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Adult Onset Asthma

It is estimated that over 15 million people in the United States have asthma, a disease that affects the lungs. When you think of asthma, you probably think of childhood asthma, as it receives the most attention in the media. Despite the misconception, asthma can appear at any age, and adult onset asthma can appear very late in life.

While there is no single factor that leads to asthma, genetics, obesity and allergies are common causes of adult onset asthma. Nearly 30 percent of all asthma sufferers have asthma that is triggered by allergies, with cats being the most common cause of symptoms.

Symptoms of adult onset asthma include:

It is important to know that these symptoms can also be symptoms of other serious health problems. If you are having asthma-like symptoms, it is imperative that you schedule a visit with a specialist today. Atlanta ENT provides consultation and testing that can help diagnose the cause of your symptoms, as well as the expertise to develop the best treatment plan for your unique needs.

Ramie A. Tritt, MD, President, Atlanta ENT

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