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Fighting Your Ragweed Allergy in Atlanta

August has come to an end and with September, autumn is just around the corner. For many, this is a time of cool weather, jackets, beautiful colors and gorgeous weather. For others, however, with autumn comes ragweed allergies. Fall is the prime time for allergies, and the season is getting longer with each year. Follow these tips to fight the sneezing, stuffy nose, itchy eyes and discomfort brought on by your ragweed allergy in Atlanta.

Ragweed Season

Starting around mid-August, ragweed starts to come to life. Up to 20 percent of Americans suffer from allergies, and a vast majority have a reaction toward ragweed pollen. The season is growing longer with each passing year and will likely to continue to extend.

Ragweed is an autumn plant, flowering only when the days begin to grow shorter — under 14 hours. It comes to life around the same time that mold spores and grass allergies worsen in the fall season, making this a very difficult time for allergy sufferers. Because Atlanta has a warm climate, the season tends to be even longer than in some other areas.

Ragweed Symptoms

The signs of ragweed allergy—also known as hay fever—are familiar to those with pollen sensitivity. They include itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, fatigue, sneezing, irritated throat, coughing, headaches, sinusitis and asthma attacks.

Battling Ragweed

There are many things that can be done to help battle your ragweed allergy in Atlanta. The most important factors don’t involve medication, but controlling your environment and habits. Keep on top of your laundry. Pollen tends to accumulate on clothes and often can’t be seen. Keep pets bathed as well. When you come into the house, take your shoes and coat off right away. This will keep you from tracking the substance into your house.

Every night before going to sleep, take a shower to wash the pollen off of your body and avoid transferring it to your bedding. Using your air conditioning and keeping windows closed will help keep pollen from the air in your house and car. If you can, avoid going outside during the morning when pollen is worst. HEPA filters in A/C units and vacuums are a big help.

Treating Allergies

For many, over the counter medications are good treatments for allergies. For others, an appointment with an ENT doctor or allergist may be in order. The doctor can prescribe stronger medications, get you on a course of allergy shots or, if needed, try alternative therapies. If you suffer from conditions like chronic sinusitis, you may be a candidate for treatments like balloon sinuplasty, which can open your sinus passages and provide immediate relief.

Do you suffer from a ragweed allergy in Atlanta? If you are dreading the coming season and would like help battling those unpleasant symptoms, we are here to provide the answers you need. For more information on allergies and how you can fight them, give us a call and schedule an appointment today. 

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