Summer is here, and with it comes all of the outdoor activities families, friends and kids seem to live for in the summer: barbeques, pool parties, amusement parks and picnics. While the gatherings are fun, for families with members that suffer from allergies, planning can seem impossible. Here are a few tips to help you plan your next big summer event.
Picnics and Barbeques
- Make sure that everyone knows about you or your child’s food related allergies.
- When grilling out, use aluminum foil to prevent contaminating food, especially on public grills.
- Make food from scratch, versus bringing store bought food, so that you know exactly what ingredients went into the food.
- Use single-serve, disposable condiment packages.
- Use tablecloths, especially at public parks or venues.
Avoiding Insect Bites
- Cover all food and drinks, especially anything sweet, like tea or sodas.
- Remind everyone in attendance never to swat at bees or other stinging insects. Walking away slowly is the safest bet, as irritating a bee can cause it to sting someone just standing nearby.
- Always wear close fitting clothing and insect repellant.
- Pay attention to your surroundings. Bees love flowers, plants and garbage.
- Always carry an epi-pen. Always.
Ramie Tritt, M.D., President, Atlanta ENT