You likely hear about the pollen count on the morning news. Pollens from trees, weeds and grass become airborn, causing allergic reactions that can range from sniffling and sneezing to difficulty breathing. The pollen count is the measure of the amount of pollen found in the air, and can be a great indicator for those who suffer seasonal allergies.
Because Atlanta temperatures stay fairly mild, we see a year round pattern of pollen. The most common types of pollen by season are:
- Early Spring- As the winter weather begins to fade, trees produce pollen. In our area, you will likely find oak, birch, elm, ash, sycamore, poplar, maple, cypress and walnut pollen in the air.
- Late Spring and Early Summer- Grass pollen is at its highest as summer approaches. Common allergy inducing grasses include Bermuda, timothy, orchard, sweet vernal and blue grass.
- Late Summer and Early Fall- The pollen season typically closes out with pollen from weeds, including ragweed, which is one of the most common causes of environmental allergies.
If you suffer from seasonal, or year round, allergies, there are treatment options that can help you relieve or eliminate your allergic reactions to pollen. Contact Atlanta ENT today for an allergy consultation.
Ramie A. Tritt, MD, President of Atlanta ENT