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Why You Should be Concerned With Excessive Snoring

According to Harvard, 90 million Americans struggle with snoring. Our guide outlines common causes and symptoms to help people identify if they have a chronic snoring problem. We also offer medically-verified sleep advice to help snorers get a good night’s rest.

Conditions that Cause Excessive Snoring

Excessive snoring is a primary symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. Other health conditions can cause excessive snoring, such as:

Health Risks From Excessive Snoring

Excessive snoring is not something you should “just learn to live with”. It can adversely affect your performance during the day when you need to be at your best. Prolonged snoring can have the following effects on your health:

When You Should Call a Doctor

Schedule an appointment with a qualified ENT doctor as soon as possible if your excessive snoring is accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

Snoring can lead to daytime drowsiness and fatigue, impaired memory and concentration, and delayed response in situations that require an immediate response. Call your doctor to get you back to restful sleep and to improve your quality of life.

Excessive snoring is treatable. The sooner you talk to a doctor, the better.

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